so yes, you guessed inspired by Harry Potter
my second show went smoothly...except when i left my microphone on during my last two least i didn't talk, or make embarrasing noises....
i did realize that it was on about halfway through my last two songs
well without further's the setlist
1. Voldemort can't stop the Rock! - Harry and the Potters
2. These days are dark – Harry and the Potters
3. I Open at the Close – the Sorting Hat
4. Sever Us – The Sorting Hat
5. Potions Yesterday – Draco and the Malfoys
6. Wizard Rock Twist – The Remus Lupins
7. Spells and Scars - Oliver Boyd and the Remembralls
8. The Flight of the Prince - Oliver Boyd and the Remembralls
9. Bookworm – Roonil Wazlib
10. On Thestral We Ride – The Hermione Crookshanks Experience
11. The Sorting Hat Skank - The Hufflepunks
12. Here at Hogwarts - The Shrieking Shack Disco Gang
13. Dumbledore's army - Harry and the Potters
14. Save Ginny Weasley - Harry and the Potters
see you guys next week!!!

1 comment:
hahahaha oh wow, i didn't know there was so much wizard rock to be had!
i will d/l the podcast POST HASTE!
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